Friday, December 30, 2016

Open your Eyes! Let the Dreams become True!

 Dr.Abdul Kalam Speciel Articles

Once upon a time, it was the dream of India to take the Satellite to the skies.  Dr. Abdul Kalam was the one to fulfil that dream.  He desires that all youngsters of India by their achievements should enjoy the same happiness he had had when the SLV 3 Rocket launched the 'Rohini' Satellite in the sky.  He portrays his picturesque thoughts for the sake of the youths.
Every teacher should sense what the students take with them when they go out after completing their studies.  The students should take the �wisdom-treasure� with them.Our educational programme should nurture the five types of knowledge.  We should know what Howard Gardner has written in 'Five Minds for the Future'.
1.The Disciplined Mind:  We must have the mind that  nurture thoughts in different disciplines such as Science, Arts and History.  We must become outstanding in any one of these disciplines.
2. The Synthesizing Mind:  We must have the mind to think by synthesizing the different knowledge available in the various disciplines.  This must be disseminated to all  through communication.
3.The Creating Mind:  We must find out solutions and answers for new problems, 
queries and ideas.
4.The Respectful Mind:  We must acquire an awareness by understanding the
differing attitude between men.
5.The Ethical Mind:   Each one of us must fulfil our responsibilities as a servant
and citizen.
None need to change the studies or syllabus to acquire these qualities.  It is enough that the objective of the educational institution and the conduct of the teacher are perfect.
The Space Programmes of ISRO, the Agni Project of the DRDO (Defence Research and Development Organization India) and PURA  Project (Providing Urban Amenities in Rural Areas) had been dreams which were changed into aims and became realities.
1.Those that had been dreams changed into goals and later developed into action programmes.
2.To convert dreams into action programmes, lofty thoughts are vital.
3.It is crucial to search and collect knowledge from all quarters.
4.To hold fast the dreams,  it is imperative to stretch our thoughts beyond the
 limits and act.
5.When there are losses, the leaders accept them as their own.  When there is
Victory, they share it with their team.
Our scientists have successfully carried on the 'Chandrayan' Project.  ISRO has proved its ability in various features such as the launching of 'Chandrayan', enlarging its orbit, launching of the vehicle 'Moon Impact Probe', to hit the lunar surface and conduct research and so on.
The scientists have prepared in a minimal period, the software and other jobs connected with this.  This has been designed in such a way to help researches concerning Earth-Moon-Mars in later days.
The distance between the Earth and Mars is 5 crores 50 lakhs kilometres to 40 crores kilometres.  This will be different according to the position of the two planets stationed in their orbit.  I had been to Greece a few years ago.  I met the students of Greece at the Acropolis monument.
It is a country where great thinkers like Socrates, Plato and Aristotle were born.  I remembered the words of Plato.  He has said that  the foundation of a country is not based on the happiness of a particular community of people.  It is the expression of the total and best happiness of all people.
Our Valluvar too has stated the same idea:
Health, wealth, joy, fertility and safety
Are a land�s five ornaments.
A country should be where there is no sickness,  procurement of  good revenue, and where there is a congenial atmosphere for high productivity � so avers Valluvar.
With these views,  I made the students of Greece take my usual pledge for students.  The happily took it.
Not only the students � even the tourists who had come there repeated joyfully the words of pledge.  The highest power in this world is the power of the youths.  We can see very many changes if we pert the power of youths in the right direction.
Let us meet again! My best wishes to you all!
Thanks to : Thinamalar (Kalvimalar)

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