Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Eight JNU Students Suspended for Misconduct and Violence

Eight JNU Students Suspended for Misconduct and Violence 

According to sources, there is clear evidence on the misbehaviour of the students and that action would be taken on that basis.

Eight students from Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) were suspended and were immediately withdrawn of their hostel facilities after they allegedly indulged in disrupting Academic Council (AC) meeting held on Monday. 

The students were identified as two former students by university officials who resolved to take action against those found involved in the disruption before the situation goes out of control. 

"Eight current student and two former students from JNU have been immediately suspended from academic activities and their hostel facilities have been withdrawn. In the meantime, a proctorial enquiry has been instituted. The action will stand till the enquiry is finished. Proctorial notices have been dispatched for the same," a senior university official said.

According to sources, there is clear evidence on the misbehaviour of the students and that action would be taken on that basis. Students broke open locks and entered the venue which were termed as "physical violence". 

"This action was taken on the basis of a report of the security department, and on the basis of their admission (in a poster) that they broke open the locks and entered the venue. The VC is duty bound, therefore, to take action," the official said. 

The university in a statement on Monday had said, "A group of unruly students broke open the latch of the meeting room after thumping the door, came inside and began to shout slogans at the Chairperson and the Academic Council members.

" It also added that "The meeting at this time was already over and necessary decisions had been taken by the Academic Council." A statement by 20 AC members also said, "After the Vice Chancellor got up to leave the meeting, a group of students entered the hall shouting slogans. This occurred after the Vice Chancellor was already near the exit."

Students belonging to the Birsa Ambedkar Phule Students' Association (BAPSA), Democratic Students' Union (DSU), Students' Front for Swaraj (SFS) and United OBC Forum had on Monday protested at the meeting venue demanding that the AC reconvene its meeting which supposedly "adopted" the UGC gazette notification of May 2016 making interviews the sole criterion of admission. Students had wanted to take the viva voce marks to be taken into account for the admission as just the interview might lead to discrimination. 

JNU had in the recent past suspended few students namely Umar Khalid, Anirban Bhattacharya and Mujeeb Gattoo - for their involvement in the February 9 event on campus where alleged anti-India slogans were raised, and withdrawn hostel facilities of several other students. Nevertheless, the decision was stayed by the High Court.

Posted by: Malavikka 

Published: Wednesday, December 28, 2016, CAREER INDIA

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