Tuesday, December 27, 2016

What is Study Block and How to Overcome It?

What is Study Block and How to Overcome It?
Eat, sleep, stay focused, stay healthy and take a break to avoid study block 

Written By: Malavikka 
Updated: Thursday, October 27, 2016, CAREER INDIA

What is study block? 
It is a temporary time in which a student is unable to study for various reasons. 

Here are five ways to overcome such a situation: 

Sleep to stay awake 
If you are studying throughout the day you should have had at least seven hours of sleep at night to stay awake during the day. Sleepiness might cause dullness and lower your concentration. If the night's sleep was not sufficient, slip into a short half an hour nap and resume freshly. 

Eat and ease 
After sleep, hunger is the next biological reaction that your body gets to remind you that you need energy to study. Have enough food. It is okay if you feel sleepy immediately after food intake. Take a brisk walk for ten minutes or a power nap and get back to studying.

Override Obstacles 
If there are any problems that are disturbing you mentally, it is time for you to remind yourself your priority to study. 
Divide your mind into a chest of drawers and keep one draw for priority, later and trash. 

• Priority will be what you need to be immediately concentrating on. 

• Later are the thoughts that you don't know if to prioritise or discard. 

• Trash is the drawer where you burn all unwanted thoughts and delete it from your mind. 

This concept might sound incredible but if you keep trying it, your brain will be conditioned to your instructions and you will gain self control. 

If the above tactic didn't work, meditate for a while. The concept of meditation is simple. Close your eyes and try to keep your mind blank for a while. Release your shrunk eyebrows and let your face muscles loose and relax. Open your eyes to focus on study and carry on.

Tick out Sick 
If there are any ailments that you are suffering from, do not delay in consulting a doctor. Especially when your exam nears, you should be in a healthy condition physically and mentally. Getting relieved from the ailment can help you study better and you can avoid the sickness that is preventing you from concentrating. 

Take a break 
When you go on and on studying for long hours, there is a possibility of your mind getting overloaded and jammed. When you feel that you have dedicated a considerable effort studying, don't hesitate to stop and look away for few minutes. Do not overlook the benefit of relaxing. You can definitely get back your study mood when you return after a worthy break.

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